3 Coping Strategies for Holiday Pounds

It's that time of year again. The time of just one little bite, just one more sip, and I really shouldn't but...
Well, we all need a little something to help us cope as the pants get tighter and the waistbands more snug. What's a girl to do? Three ideas and none of them actually involve setting foot in the gym.

1. The Long Jacket - Yes, instead of saying no to that cookie, just mask the hips with some sleek subterfuge. I saw this gorgeous velvet long jacket from Coldwater Creek in an advertisement. It seems the perfect solution to the problem. So 8:00 pm on a work night instead of perhaps hitting the gym to solve the problem, I considered driving out to the store, and the gym is 2X closer.

2. The Low-Rise Jeans - Don't worry about the rear section, jean technology has been perfected. Low-Rise Joe's jeans make me look like I don't have 10 pounds (yes the same 10 pounds as last year) to lose anymore. Who says money can't buy you love. Just did. Love these jeans.
3. Book Your January Work Out Classes - Today I went through our Recreation Center programs and I booked myself into Spin class and Boot Camp. I'm still hoping to take my friend Megan's Zumba class, too. I did it all by phone and never visited the gym. It made me feel so in control. I may not have seen the inside of the gym for over a month, but I now feel so productive.

Shout out your coping strategies for holiday pounds.


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