November Time Saving Tip
One good thing about being too busy in October to go for my beloved family outing to the pumpkin patch to get pumpkins is not having to clean up the pumpkin mush off the porch in November.
So, that's my time saving tip for November.
Below are some pictures of the amazing pumpkin display on Elm in Wyoming, Ohio from Halloween night. I call this the hundred-acre pumpkin patch. It's not a hundred acres but it is this family on Elm Ave that carves about 100 pumpkins each year and they are amazingly fantastic.
This year there were 138 pumpkins and the whole family from North Carolina and all over came to town for the weekend to help carve. Neat tradition. Well worth the drive every Halloween night to see it.
Another treat in October was a visit from my Aunt Evie and Uncle Kurt. We had a nice relaxing time and saw both my son's Frisbee game and my daughter's soccer game.
So, that's my time saving tip for November.
Below are some pictures of the amazing pumpkin display on Elm in Wyoming, Ohio from Halloween night. I call this the hundred-acre pumpkin patch. It's not a hundred acres but it is this family on Elm Ave that carves about 100 pumpkins each year and they are amazingly fantastic.
This year there were 138 pumpkins and the whole family from North Carolina and all over came to town for the weekend to help carve. Neat tradition. Well worth the drive every Halloween night to see it.
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