Has Your Kid Got Star Potential? Or Anyway Just Want to Meet Other Moms?

 If you live near Cincinnati, friend Drew is working on a photo shoot for some super-fun educational toys. Kids Age 3 -5 are needed for the photo shoot.

Here's the Details:
Friday, May 13, 2011
9:30 am to 3:30 pm

Come and play, as short or as long as you like. Foster Memorial Field aka Grove Park in Wyoming, Ohio.
It’s simple!
The children play. The photographers photograph. Kid's need to wear any color except white or black. Over 40 educational toys will be set up all over the field. Sounds like fun. Healthy refreshments, provided.

To learn more and sign-up: www.mclandrichconsulting.com 
or call Drew McLandrich (513) 706-2942

You get copies of any photos you like. Plus here's the kicker. If you get 10 kids to come, you get one of these awesome xylophones free!
