My Backyard and Me
The Grass is Greener
For our lawn, it was once pretty close to the ideal, back when we had TruGreen. Then we had lush grass, solid from corner to corner. My husband was proud of it, despite the fact that he had to mow it every other hour.
Even though the mowing slowed, sans chemicals, the need to weed whack is unabated. In our modern division of labor, the man mows and I’m responsible for weed whacking — which means I make my son do it. As soon as the safety goggles fit him (age 8) I made him don high-rise socks and sneakers and plugged him in. It’s not perfect but it gets done. Come to think of it, this could be why lawn viewing enjoyment is so elusive.
Patio Perfection
Last year around this time, I got my husband to agree to the expense of new patio furniture. It was to be my big-fat birthday present. We went as a family to the outdoor furniture store and surveyed every stick of wood, iron and aluminum composite. There were gorgeous fireplaces, patio sets, fountains and grills. I tentatively put a deposit down to hold a dining set. But I was unsure. We’d consider it over the weekend and call to confirm Monday.
That evening I got home and surveyed the back 40. A high-end dining set wasn’t the answer to my backyard woes. The answer was much more complex and involved a boatload of money plus a landscape designer. It was way out of the budget picture that year (and this).
That Monday, I drove over to the furniture mart to get my refund. The very nice salesman asked my reason for the return.
“You really want to know?” I asked.
He said he did. It was a slow morning at the outdoor furniture store.
“Well first of all, my patio is not ready. I need a screened in porch, new patio pavers, seating-height walls around the edge, a pergola because I killed the tree (on accident) that used to shade the area and more landscaping to block the view from the neighbors. Plus, if you really want to know, I want an iPhone which doesn’t come with all the baggage of my current patio relationship.”
He couldn’t give me my refund fast enough. I reminded him he was the one who asked.
Mud and Marriage
People can go to pimped-out extremes over their corner of territory. Much of the craziness is fueled by the crack-like HGTV. And who doesn’t love their weekly Extreme Home Makeover cry with Ty? I confess I’m addicted to glossy gardening books and magazines. But the perfect back yard costs money. And that’s one of the greatest stressors on any relationship.
I once had a friend who got a magazine-spread-like pool and patio complete with trucked-in-boulders and fountains. But around the same time, she lost her marriage. Some would say marriage is more complicated, but differences in backyard vision can be make-or-break. Sometimes one partner (often the man) just loves his lawn and saving money. The other partner wants a camera-ready showplace. This isn’t covered in pre-marriage counseling. We’ve all got to figure out how to walk the fine line of the garden path on our own — weeds and all.
Margee Moore is a syndicated columnist and author of the iPhone app, “Sleeping With the Laundry: Notes from the Mommy Track.” Need a laugh? Get Sleeping With the Laundry today!
Our yard is green but our only tree died and had to be removed. I have a black thumb and kill even un-killable plants. Gardening is just not for me. I would love a pretty deck & yard but alas, we don't have the money. Hubby is actually ok with the yard looking like it does. If only the HOA would agree!